There is not a great deal of statistical information in this video or even reference material in general, but hopefully you will gain some awareness about some of the challenges facing your favorite course. And also how golf course superintendents are managing the playing surfaces in an effort to promote environmental awareness across the globe. Many golfers flock to courses across the world, but how many know where the turf maintenance facility is, let alone the person entrusted with the upkeep of the turf. Get to know your golf course superintendent and ask him/her what he/she is doing to improve the environement at your course.
Click on the link below and enjoy the message!
"Being in a links bunker is a little like sitting in a rigid pew at the village kirk on Sunday. 'You're noot here to have a good time, lad. Yer here to atone fer yer sins.'"
~Donald Steel, British golf architect, quoting a Scottish friend.